Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Link-to Cookie Policy

1) Definition of "cookies".

Cookies are short text fragments (letters and/or numbers) that allow the web server to store on the client (the browser, e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera...) information to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even days later (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored, based on user preferences, by the individual browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).

Similar technologies, such as, for example, web beacons, transparent GIFs, and all forms of local storage introduced with HTML5, can be used to collect information about user behavior and use of services.

A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from the user's hard drive or transmit computer viruses or acquire e-mail addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user's web browser. Some of the functions of cookies may be delegated to other technologies. The term 'cookies' is intended to refer to cookies and all similar technologies.

Depending on the characteristics and use of cookies, various types of cookies can be distinguished:

Strictly necessary technical cookies. These are cookies that are essential for the proper functioning of a website and are used to manage various services related to the websites (such as a login or access to restricted functions on the sites). The duration of cookies is strictly limited to the working session or they can make use of a longer dwell time in order to remember the visitor's choices. Disabling strictly necessary cookies may affect the user and browsing experience of the website.

Analytics (analytics) and performance cookies. These are cookies used to collect and analyze trLink-tophics and usage of a website anonymously. These cookies, while not identifying the user, allow, for example, detection of whether the same user returns to log in at different times. They also make it possible to monitor the system and improve its performance and usability. Deactivation of such cookies can be performed without any loss of functionality and will be discussed in detail later.

Profiling cookies (not operational on this Site). These are persistent cookies used to identify (anonymously and non-anonymously) your preferences and improve your browsing experience. For more information about these cookies not used by the Web Site, please visit the appropriate section at

Purpose of processing and purposes of technical session cookies.

The cookies used on the Link-to (Link-to) are exclusively for the purpose of performing computer authentication or session monitoring and the storage of specific technical information regarding users accessing the servers of the Data Controller operating the Site. With this in mind, some operations on the Site could not be performed without the use of cookies, which are therefore technically necessary in such cases. By way of example, access to any restricted areas of the Site and the activities that may be carried out there would be much more complex to carry out and less secure without the presence of cookies that allow the user to be identified and maintain their identification within the session.

"Technical" cookies may be used even in the absence of the consent of the data subject. Incidentally, the same European body that brings together all the Privacy Authorities of the various Member States (the so-called "Article 29" Group ) clarified in Opinion 4/2012 (WP194) entitled "Exemption from Consent for the Use of Cookies" that they are cookies for which it is not necessary to acquire the prior and informed consent of the user:

    cookies with data filled in by the user (session identifier), lasting one session or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in some cases;
    authentication cookies, used for the purpose of authenticated services, lasting one session;
    user-centric security cookies, used to detect authentication abuse, of limited persistent duration;
    media player session cookies, such as "flash" player cookies, of one session duration;
    session cookies for load balancing, of one session duration;
    persistent cookies for user interface customization, lasting one session (or slightly more);
    cookies for content sharing via third-party social plug-ins, for logged-in members of a social network.

2) Link-to cookies.

Therefore, the Data Controller informs that only technical cookies (such as those listed above) necessary to navigate within the Site are operational on the Site as they enable essential functions such as authentication, validation, management of a browsing session and fraud prevention and allow, for example: to identify whether the user has regularly accessed areas of the site that require prior authentication or user validation and session management related to the various services and applications or data storage for secure mode access or control and fraud prevention functions.

The data controller, using on the Link-to site exclusively technical cookies, is not obliged to acquire consent to their operation. Their deactivation would result in the impossibility of proper navigation in the areas subject to authentication with the consequent impossibility of using the services, pages, and features or content available therein.

3) Third Party Cookies.

Link-to does not use third-party cookies within the platform.

Please see the Privacy Policy page for information regarding the data controller.